Mwanza,Tanzania +255 759 682 826

Mara Bay Conservation Initiative, a Path to Community - Led Biodiversity Stewardship

African Youth Summit on Biodiversity (AYSB-2023)

Empowering Communities and Protecting Biodiversity: Our Journey at the African Youth Summit on Biodiversity 2023

The enchanting shores of Lake Victoria have long been my home, a place where the ebb and flow of life is intertwined with the rhythms of the water. It's a region of breathtaking beauty and ecological significance, but it's also a place facing myriad challenges. This year, I had the incredible opportunity to represent Blue Victoria at the African Youth Summit on Biodiversity 2023 (AYSB) in Rabat, Morocco. This experience has been nothing short of transformative, and I'm excited to share our journey with you.

Mr. Massaho during the summit

At the summit, amidst the backdrop of passionate young conservationists from across Africa, I had the privilege of presenting our project, the "Mara Bay Conservation Initiative, a Path to Community-Led Biodiversity Stewardship." This initiative seeks to establish a Community Conservation Area (CCA) in Mara Bay, a place of immense ecological importance within the Lake Victoria Basin.

Why Mara Bay?

Mara Bay is not just any bay; it's a Key Biodiversity Area (KBA). What makes it special is the presence of critical endangered fish species like the Ningu (Labeo Victorianus) and the Singida tilapia. These species are emblematic of the incredible diversity that thrives in the waters of Lake Victoria. Yet, Mara Bay is facing significant challenges that threaten its delicate balance.

Our Mission: Tackling Challenges Head-On

Our project is designed to address these challenges head-on. At its core, it's about empowering local communities to become the guardians of their natural heritage. We are tackling issues like Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing methods, pollution in the bay, the impacts of climate change, and the unsustainable practice of overfishing.

A Path to Community-Led Biodiversity Stewardship

Our vision is clear: we believe in the power of communities. By actively engaging with local fishermen, women, youth, and leaders, we aim to instill a sense of ownership and responsibility for their environment. We are working together to establish the Mara Bay Community Conservation Area, a place where sustainable fishing practices and environmental conservation go hand in hand.

AYSB 2023: A Platform for Youth Voices

The African Youth Summit on Biodiversity 2023 provided an exceptional platform for youth voices in conservation. It was a privilege to stand before experts, share our vision, and be part of a movement that recognizes the indispensable role of young conservationists. The summit underscored the urgency of our collective mission—to protect the biodiversity that sustains life on our planet.

Certificate of Participation

The Path Forward

Our journey doesn't end with the summit. We are committed to turning our vision for Mara Bay into a reality. We're actively collaborating with stakeholders, building partnerships, and drawing on the knowledge and experiences we gained at AYSB 2023. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the organizers Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN- Africa), Partners African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), Post 2020, European Union, Expertise France, fellow participants, and all those who believe in the power of youth-led initiatives for biodiversity conservation.

Together, we're forging a path toward a more sustainable future, one where communities and nature thrive together. As we return to the shores of Lake Victoria, we carry with us the lessons and inspiration from AYSB 2023. Our mission to protect Mara Bay and its invaluable biodiversity is stronger than ever, and we invite you to join us on this remarkable journey.

In unity and conservation,
Festus Massaho
Executive Director, Blue Victoria.

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Mwanza Tanzania

+255 759 682 826

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